Figure 1: MRI scan axial cut between C5 and C6 vertebrae showing schwannoma arising from right C6 nerve root

Figure 2: MRI scan coronal view showing schwannoma arising from right C6 nerve root

Figure 3: Intra-operative photo showing the mass relation with C5 nerve root

Figure 4: Schwannoma showing Antoni B areas with spindle-shaped tumour cells, loosely arranged in an oedematous stroma (H and E, x 100)

Figure 5: Schwannoma showing compact Antoni A areas with Verocay bodies (H and E, x 100)

Figure 6: c MRI scan axial cut between C2 and C3 vertebrae showing ‘dumbell shaped mass’

Figure 7: MRI scan coronal view showing mass arising from inter vertebra C2-C3

Figure 8: Intraoperative photo showing the mass relation with carotid artery

Figure 9: Specimen showing larger neck and smaller intervertbral part

Figure 10: Benign encapsulated neural tumour comprising of spindle shaped cells arranged in Antoni A and Antoni B pattern with verocay bodies