Figure 1: The genotoxic effects of hospital wastewater samples on Salmonella typhimurium TA 104 the Vitotox test. Genotoxicity always take place when the maximum S/N (genox)/maximum S/N(cytox) is greater than 1.5 and cytotoxicity is assumed when S/N in Genox/Cytox decreases far below 0.8 HWM: Hospital Wastewater Mahdia; HWG: Hospital Wastewater Gafsa; HWS: Hospital Wastewater Sfax
(1): 100μl of Hospital wastewater; (0.5): 100μl of HW diluted ½ in distillate water; (0.25): 100μl of HW dilated ¼ in distillate water; (0): 100μL of distillate water

Figure 2: Vitotox results for the positive controls 4-NQO (without S9 mix) and B(α)P (with S9 mix). The Genox strain clearly shows that all are genotoxic (S/N> 1.5) whereas the Cytox strain shows no significant deviation from S/N¼ 1

Figure 3: The agarose gel electrophoresis of the DNA isolated from experimental liver tissues was loaded into 1% (w/v) agarose gels. Lane Te: DNA isolated from control liver tissue; Lane D1: DNA isolated from 25% concentrations of the pharmaceutical effluent treated liver samples, Lane D2: DNA isolated from 50% concentrations of the pharmaceutical effluent treated liver samples and Lane D3: DNA isolated from 100% concentrations of the pharmaceutical effluent treated liver samplesEffects