Plate I: Agarose gel electrophoresis of the PCR product of both male and female of the date palm accessions. An amplification of 400bp indicates positive amplification. This indicates good and quality extracted DNA. Loading arrangement: (1)R13P1 (2)R4P12 (3)R5P8 (4)R24P9 (5)R5P20 (6)R3P22 (7)R1P18 (8)R7P1 (9)R13P5 (10)R13P9 (11)R14P21 (12)R4P29 (13)ZARIYA (14)R16P31 (15)R2P4 (16)R9P2 (17)R6P21 (18)R9P21 (19)R5P24 (20)R5P6 (21)R1P10

Plate II: Agarose gel electrophoresis of the PCR product differentiating male date palm seedlings from the female using male specific primers. An amplification of 200bp indicates male loading arrangement: (1)R13P1 (2)R4P12 (3)R5P8 (4)R24P9 (5)R5P20 (6)R3P22 (7)R1P18(8)R7P1 (9)R13P5 (10)R13P9 (11)R14P21 (12)R4P29 (13)ZARIYA (14)R16P31 (15)R2P4 (16)R9P2 (17)R6P21 (18)R9P21 (19)R5P24 (20)R5P6 (21)R1P10. Samples 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 and 14 tested positive to the male primers

Plate III: Agarose gel electrophoresis of the PCR product of both male and female Date palm. An amplification of 400bp indicates positive amplification: (A) R5P8 (B) R13P1(C) R24P9 (D)R5P20 (E) Ajwah (F) Ajwah (G) Ajwah (H) Ajwah (I) Tirgal (J)Tirgal (K) Tirga (L) Tirgal

Plate IV: Agarose gel electrophoresis of the PCR product differentiating male date palm seedlings from the female using male specific primers. An amplification of 200bp indicates male loading arrangement: (A) R5P8 (B) R13P1(C) R24P9 (D)R5P20 (E) Ajwah (F) Ajwah (G) Ajwah (H) Ajwah (I) Tirgal (J)Tirgal (K) Tirgal (L) Tirgal

Plate V: Morphological identification of male accessions. Arrows in accessions R13P1 and R4P12 show large girth; arrows in accessions Zariya, R5P8, R3P22 and R1P18 showed a high number of lower leaf spines

Plate VI: Morphological identification of male accessions. Arrows in accessions R13P5 and R4P29 show large girth size; arrows in accessions Zariya, R13P9, R14P21 and R7P1 show high number of lower leaf spines

Plate VII: Morphological identification of female accessions, arrow in accessions R4P29 and R1P10 show absence of lower leaf spines; arrows in accessions R9P2 and R9P12 show smaller girth size

Plate VIII: Morphological identification of female accessions. Arrow in accession R6P20 show smaller girth; arrows in accession R15P6 indicate absence of lower leaf spines

Table 1: The Names and Base Sequences of the Primers used for this Study

Table 2: Names and Base Sequences of the Sex Determinant Primers used on the Twenty-One Date Palm Accessions

Lane number

Male Lane number

Female lane number





1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9,10

4, 5


11, 12,









13, 14.

15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

Table 3:Seedling Population of Twenty-One Date Palm Accessions using Male Specific Primer in the DNA Amplification Procedure