Figure 1: Schematic representation of the applied electrospinning process

Figure 2: SEM images of PET nanofibers at a) 10 wt %, b) 20 wt% and c) 30 wt % PET concentration in 20:80 vol % of TFA and DCM solvents

Figure 3: SEM images and corresponding diameter distribution diagrams of PET nanofibers at a) 10 wt %, b) 20 wt% and c) 30 wt % PET concentration in 40:60 vol % of TFA and DCM solvents

Figure 4: SEM images and corresponding diameter distribution diagrams of PET nanofibers at a) 10 wt %, b) 20 wt% and c) 30 wt % PET concentration in 60:40 vol % of TFA and DCM solvents

Type of sample

Mw (g/mol)

Mn (g/mol)


Tg (k)

Tm (k)

Used PET






Table 1: Characterization and Properties of the used PET