NCC: sodium chloride cotransporter; DCT: distal convoluted tubules; WNK: with no lysine kinase; SPAK: ste20 proline-alanine-rick kinase

Figure 1a: The Role of Kir 4.1 Channels in the Basolateral Membrane of Dct in the Regulation of Sodium / Potassium Homeostasis

NCC: sodium chloride cotransporter; DCT: distal convoluted tubules; WNK: with no lysine kinase; SPAK: ste20 proline-alanine-rick kinase

Figure 1b: The Role of Kir 4.1 Channels in the Basolateral Membrane of Dct in the Regulation of Sodium / Potassium Homeostasis

Figure 2: Increased Distal Flow Rate and Kaliuresis